



Make an impact by recycling at school and at sporting events. Look for the green recycle bin at area high school events. You don't have to be a student to recycle your plastic bottles at games. Your actions really do matter. If we all get into the habit of recycling as much of our waste as possible, it will add up and together we will make a positive difference.

Make An Impact By Recycling At School And At Sporting Events

The Dearborn County Recycling Center is a 2020 recipient of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management Community Recycling Grant. The grant allowed the DCRC to purchase new recycling bins for use in the three high schools located in Dearborn County. The goal of the grant is to increase recycling efforts during the school day and at sporting events. Students and their families are asked to look for these new containers and recycle their plastic bottles and aluminum cans.

86% of plastic bottles in the U.S. end up in a landfill or incinerator. That averages to around 60 million plastic bottles ending up in landfills and incinerators every day.

Think about all of the plastic bottles sold at your school each day. Now think about all of the plastic bottles sold during a football game, or basketball game. Are all of those bottles being recycled?

Studies show that people are more likely to recycle if there is a recycling bin placed next to a trash can. The idea is to ‘twin the bin’, a phrase you may have heard before. This means placing a recycling bin next to an existing garbage can, or alternatively, installing a combination recycling and trash container. This provides more opportunities for students to “do the right thing”, which hopefully leaves less trash on the ground.